The Kinton Grange      
      No. 562, Est. 1917      

Invites you to
Membership Meetings
Please join Kinton Grange Members for business meeting and informational program
Second Tuesdays   7 - 9 PM

To arrange to rent our hall, call Andy @ 503-887-9601
Check the calendar for availability: Calendar

Everyone's Welcome
Benefits of Membership include:
Opportunities to meet, work, and play with neighbors in your community.
Use of the building.

2024 Events !!
Below is the list of public events currently scheduled for 2024.

CPO 10 Meetings
3rd Thursdays except where indicated
                       Thursday October 24 (4th Thursday)
                       Thursday Nov 21 (last meeting of 2024)

Meetings start at 6:30 PM and typically end around 8 PM
Please feel free to reach out with topic ideas or anything else,
until the next time...     Andy Haugen:

Brookhaven Vintage Marketplace
October 15th through October 20th

Visit BrookhavenVintageMarketplace to learn more!

2024 Holiday Faire Front
2024 Holiday Faire Back

Round Dance and Square Dance
with the Tri Squares Dance Club!

Lessons and Dances start back up in September

Visit the Tri Squares website:

Set to Music English Country Dancing

Visit the website to learn more:
or email:

Members of the Kinton Grange belong to the Oregon State Grange
and the National Grange

As such we make our voices heard in state and national issues.

The Grange has been a national organization
since its inception in the 1860's.

Early on its members were able to gain rural electrifcation
and US Postal Rural Delivery through cooperative action. One of our current goals is Broadband Internet to be available for all Americans.
Become a Patron of Husbandry

Together we have a voice for Agriculture and Rural communities.

We are in need of a few excellent people
who value their community and this community hall.

Are YOU involved in Agriculture?
--- If you Eat, the answer is Yes!

We are a diverse group of neighborly folk
who work toward building community

Some Useful links....
Youth Activities
What IS a Grange?
History & Photo Collections
Rent our Hall
Use of the Kinton Grange Hall
Carl & Dorothy Allen Memorial Lift Project

External Links:   
Oregon State Grange
National Grange

© 1999-2024 by the Kinton Grange
Updated 6-22-24    Webmistress: Susan Peter
Website by :     E-mail link :